One-third of those killed in motor-vehicle crashes during the holiday period are victims of drunk-driving incidents.
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              December 2015

NSC Texas Safety Conference & Expo

San Antonio: March 20-22, 2016

The National Safety Council TSCE offers opportunities for safety professionals to connect with the latest safety news, resources and like-minded individuals. Register now. Traffic safety sessions include:

  • An Organized Approach to Fleet Safety, 11 a.m.-noon, March 21
  • Emerging Technologies and What's New in Distracted Driving, 1-2 p.m., March 21
  • Traffic Safety as a Part of Your Company's Safety Culture Makes $ense, 8-9 a.m., March 22
  • Distracted Driving: The Cause and The Cure, 8-9 a.m., March 22
  • Our Driving Concern: Employer Traffic Safety Train the Trainer, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 22

Free Webinars to Fit Your Schedule

Why is Cell Phone Conversation More Distracting Than Passenger Conversation?
Jan 12, 2016, 10 a.m.
Link to register

Jan. 15, 2016 at 10 a.m.
Link to register

Journey to Safety Excellence
Jan. 20, 2016 at 10 a.m.
Link to register

Journey to Safety Excellence
Jan. 27, 2016 at 10 a.m.
Link to register

Traffic Safety as Part of Your Company's Safety Culture Makes Good $ense
Feb. 9, 2016, 10 a.m.
Link to register

Feb. 19, 2016, 10 a.m.
Link to register

Why the Dash to the Dashboard is Distracting
March 8, 2016, 10 a.m.
Link to register

Our Driving Concern: 

Free employer traffic safety

Jan. 14, 2016
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Link to register

 Jan. 18, 2016
Fort Worth
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Link to register

 Feb. 1, 2016
8:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Link to register

 March 23, 2016
San Marcos.
Link to register

Green Cross Awards

The National Safety Council is accepting nominations for its prestigious Green Cross for Safety awards presented to individuals and organizations that have advanced safety at work, in homes and communities or in transportation. Visit to nominate or learn more. Applications will be accepted through Jan. 15, 2016. Winners will be selected in March and honored at a gala on May 12, 2016, in Chicago. 

 More Ways to Connect with Us!

Visit our website

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Add them to our email list.
Contact Lisa Robinson,  
(512) 466-7383 
Like us on Facebook
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Keep your employees safe. Join the Journey to Safety Excellence today! 
*This is a free resource
Bad Decisions Serve Only to Spike Drunk Driving Stats
Four words cut to the chase of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s current drunk driving300-wreckman1 prevention initiative: Don’t wreck the holidays.

In 2013, NHTSA said 1,180 people were killed in crashes on our nation’s roads during the holiday period (Dec. 18-31), and almost one-third of those fatalities (30%) were recorded in drunk-driving crashes. Texas ranked No. 1 in motor-vehicle traffic deaths by state with 3,385 in 2013, according to Injury Facts 2015, a statistical report on injuries and deaths put out by the National Safety Council.

Since holiday celebrations often involve alcohol, NHTSA offers this recommendation: Give yourself the gift of a designated driver. One more idea: Try NHTSA’s SaferRide mobile app, which allows users to call a taxi or a friend by identifying their location so they can be picked up.

Give a Special Gift to Protect Your Most Precious Cargo
Too often a designated driver is chosen during the evening and is the "leastHoliday_Pass.jpg drunk" person in the group. Texans can help make the holidays merry and bright all season long by giving the gift of a sober drive home.
Remember, it's the most wonderful time of the year, but one poor decision to drink and drive could bring a devastating end to holiday celebrations.
Poster you can print and post: What can a DWI cost you?

Toilet Tabloids: Something New from Our Driving Concern
We've added a new feature in hopes of reaching a captive audience: Toiletid-soc-10-cdown-mistletoe1.jpg Tabloids. The idea here is to present traffic safety tips and information you can print and post on bathroom walls for all to read during those times when nature calls.
In our first edition -- Home Safe for the Holidays -- you'll learn the percentage of traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers in Texas, how often DUI-alcohol crashes occur statewide and how much a DWI arrest and conviction is likely to cost a Texas offender.

Measure Your Progress on the Journey to Safety Excellence
Do you know how your safety program is performing? Why not measure it with free tools from the Journey to Safety Excellence from the National Safety Council?
NSC_Journey_logo.pngWhen you sign up for the Journey, you gain access to a Safety System Assessment where you can evaluate your program and understand how it compares to others – helping you see what you’re doing well and where you can improve.
You do not need to be a member of NSC to take advantage of this great resource.

Deadline for Traffic Safety Award Nominations is Feb. 1
Our Driving Concern is accepting nominations for the 2016 Texas Employer Traffic Safety Award.

This award honors Texas employers who have demonstrated theirIMG_6516.jpg leadership and commitment to encouraging positive driver behaviors among employees on and off the job. Any Texas business/municipality is eligible to submit an application.

Employers may be nominated or can self-nominate. Companies may be municipal, corporate, private or not-for-profit, small or large.

The deadline to apply is Feb 1, 2016. Award recipients will be recognized in National Safety Council/ODC publications and at the 2016 NSC Texas Safety Conference & Expo March 20-22 in San Antonio.

For examples from past winners, please view 2015 Award Recipients.

TTI Driver Study Aimed at Predicting Risk, Finding Solutions

Can a crash be predicted well in advance at least partially based on the driver’s increased stress levels?

The Texas A&M Transportation Institute is involved in a research projectDriver_Stress.jpg aimed at finding an answer to that question. In time, the results could have a far-reaching impact on everyday driving behaviors and employer traffic safety concerns.

“The purpose of the Toyota project is to identify different methods and technologies that we can use inside vehicles to detect vehicle- and driver-based errors,” said Mike Manser, manager of TTI’s Human Factors Program.

“We want to be able to predict an increased risk of these two scenarios well in advance so that we can provide either control to the vehicle or information to the driver to reduce the propensity for or to avoid a crash."

Two Texas Heavyweights Drive Platooning Project Forward

Chalk this one up under the category of two heads are better than one. The Texas A&M Transportation Institute has partnered with the Texas Department of Transportation to conduct research on a number of new and innovative ideas, including the Truck Platooning Demonstration Project.

Truck_PlatooningThe project is creating a first-of-its-kind comprehensive freight platooning demonstration in Texas, according to TTI, and could lead to an overhaul of hauling practices statewide. TTI says truck platoons offer the potential for faster, safer and more environmentally friendly freight movement.

How will the study work? TTI says the three-phase project will conduct a feasibility planning study and proof-of-concept demonstration, develop the requirements for design and develop a commercial truck platooning application in Texas. Stay tuned for updates.

Does Your Pickup Truck Talk to You?

To help you steer clear of trouble, your car or pickup truck might send you a warning signal. Many of today’s vehiclesElectronic_Stability_Control come equipped with technologies that only a few short years ago seemed as far-fetched as sending a space rover to Mars.

Now you can find answers to all of your questions about the latest gadgets in your vehicle in one place:, a website created through a cooperative effort between the National Safety Council and the University of Iowa.  MyCarDoesWhat functions as a national campaign to help educate drivers on new vehicle safety technologies designed to help prevent crashes.

These technologies range from increasing the stability and control of cars to providing warnings about crash threats and automatically intervening to avoid or reduce the severity of a crash. The goal of this campaign is to explain to drivers how best to use these safety technologies, leading to safer driving.

Our Driving Concern will be tapping into this new resource during free webinars upcoming on Jan. 15 and Feb. 19. Make plans to attend today. Ask yourself, “Really? MyCarDoesWhat?”

The Our Driving Concern Newsletter

Our Driving Concern is a monthly e-newsletter from the Texas Employer Traffic Safety Program, a landmark driving initiative funded by a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation. This initiative is building a statewide network of employer involvement in crash prevention for employees both on and off the job.

Do you have a friend or colleague who would benefit from receiving this monthly newsletter? Add them to our email list. Our goal is to help employers put traffic safety into their safety culture.

Please feel free to contact me,


Lisa Robinson
NSC Program Manager
ODC:Texas Employer Traffic Safety Program